Clean up resources

We will proceed with the following steps to delete the resources we created in this lab exercise.

Delete S3 bucket

  1. Access the S3 management console

    • Select the S3 bucket we created for this lab. (For example: bucket-for-lambda-55555)
    • Click Empty.
    • Enter permanently delete, then click Empty to delete objects in the bucket.
    • Click Exit.
  2. After deleting all objects in the bucket, click Delete.


  1. Enter the S3 bucket name, then click Delete bucket to delete the S3 bucket.


Delete API Gateway

  1. Access the API Gateway service management interface
    • Select S3 Upload.
    • Click Delete.


  1. In the confirmation box, enter confirm.
    • Click Delete to delete the API Gateway.

Delete Lambda Function

  1. Access the Lambda service management interface
    • Click s3-upload.
    • Select Actions.
    • Click Delete.


  1. In the confirmation box, enter delete to confirm, then click Delete to delete the Lambda function and related resources.